The economical PATH-MASTER compacts narrow trails with ease. This expandable platform accepts the optional 36” SNO-RAZOR or 33” V-Plow.

New for 2018 are three groomers designed for 32”- 44” (.8 – 1.1M) wide trails.
Fat Bike, Walking, Hiking and Snowshoe trails along with lake and outbuilding access trails are easily maintained with these easy-to-pull, high-speed groomers.
A PATH-MASTER equipped with an optional 36’’ SNO-RAZOR allows you to level your trail, shearing off drifts and washboards, providing a perfect corduroy in all snow conditions.
The SNO-BLASTER was developed for snow sports that benefit from a combination of snow removal and compaction. The “BLASTER” is ready to groom safer Fat Bike trails in a new and exciting way.